Wednesday, June 3, 2009

hope obama is safe during his mid east trip. god bless him. we need him if not for anything else as a symbol of the thinking, global citizen he is...he looks like ALL of us. now aint that great, for one.

wish the middle east characters would work out their situation once and for all. isnt everyone sick of this? yes to a two state solution. stop settlements. and ahmadijenad, stop touting nonsense about the holocaust. stop spewing your hate, Hamas. open your eyes world, Israel open your eyes. is everyone burying their heads in the desert sand?
to all -- so what if you all have gods. i like mine with a pinch of salt. does'nt everything taste better that way? try yours like that for a change.

slumdog kids - so their houses werent demolished. seeing photos of those children who got a taste of glory at the oscars, now lying sprawled in makeshift beds in their do they deal with it? will they grow up hating the people who showed them what life could be, but is not? may they never hate themselves. may life be kind to them again. who am i wishing this for? after all, even god comes salty, not sweet. a school for slum kids. could i go back and do that? someone must have tried, surely. i am a fake. sitting here and typing but doing nothing.

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